Source code for b64uuid.b64uuid

from base64 import urlsafe_b64decode, urlsafe_b64encode
from typing import Union
from uuid import UUID, uuid4

__all__ = ['b64id_to_uuid', 'uuid_to_b64id', 'B64UUID']

[docs]def b64id_to_uuid(s: str) -> UUID: """Convert a Base64 URL safe ID string to an :class:`uuid.UUID` object Parameters ---------- s : str The UUID string in Base64 url safe style Returns ------- uuid.UUID Corresponding `stdlib` `UUID` object """ return UUID(bytes=urlsafe_b64decode(s.rstrip('=') + '=='))
[docs]def uuid_to_b64id(value: UUID) -> str: """Convert an :class:`uuid.UUID` object to a Base64 URL safe ID string Parameters ---------- value : uuid.UUID The UUID to convert Returns ------- str Base64 URL safe ID string """ return B64UUID(value).string
[docs]class B64UUID: def __init__(self, initial: Union[None, UUID, str, bytes, int] = None): """Class represents Base64 URL safe UUID Parameters ---------- initial : None, uuid.UUID, str, bytes, int The parameter will be converted to :class:`uuid.UUID`, and assigned to :attr:`uuid` property of the new created instance. The way of converting to :class:`uuid.UUID`: - Case :data:`None` (`default`) : Automatic generated by :func:`uuid.uuid4` - Case :class:`uuid.UUID` : No convertion - Case :class:`str` : It should be one of: - An UUID string of 32 hexadecimal digits - A Base64 URL safe UUID string - Case :class:`bytes` : A string of 16 bytes in big-endian order - Case :class:`int` : A single 128-bit integer """ if initial is None: self._uuid = uuid4() elif isinstance(initial, UUID): self._uuid = initial elif isinstance(initial, str): if len(initial) < 32: self._uuid = b64id_to_uuid(initial) else: self._uuid = UUID(hex=initial) elif isinstance(initial, bytes): self._uuid = UUID(bytes=initial) elif isinstance(initial, int): self._uuid = UUID(int=initial) else: raise TypeError( 'Can not convert initial value from type {} to {}'.format( type(initial), UUID ) ) self._string = urlsafe_b64encode( self._uuid.bytes).rstrip(b'=').decode('ascii') def __str__(self): return self._string def __repr__(self): return '<{} object at 0x{:x} string={!r}>'.format( self.__class__.__qualname__, id(self), self._string ) def __lt__(self, other): # type: (Union[UUID, B64UUID])->bool if isinstance(other, UUID): return self.uuid < other return self.uuid < other.uuid def __le__(self, other): # type: (Union[UUID, B64UUID])->bool if isinstance(other, UUID): return self.uuid <= other return self.uuid <= other.uuid def __eq__(self, other): # type: (Union[UUID, B64UUID])->bool if isinstance(other, UUID): return self.uuid == other return self.uuid == other.uuid def __ne__(self, other): # type: (Union[UUID, B64UUID])->bool if isinstance(other, UUID): return self.uuid != other return self.uuid != other.uuid def __gt__(self, other): # type: (Union[UUID, B64UUID])->bool if isinstance(other, UUID): return self.uuid > other return self.uuid > other.uuid def __ge__(self, other): # type: (Union[UUID, B64UUID])->bool if isinstance(other, UUID): return self.uuid >= other return self.uuid >= other.uuid @property def uuid(self) -> UUID: """`UUID` of the instance Returns ------- uuid.UUID Corresponding `stdlib` `UUID` object of the instance """ return self._uuid @property def string(self) -> str: """Base64 URL safe UUID of the instance Returns ------- str An URL safe string represents the `UUID` value of the instance Note ---- The property is the same as converting to :class:`str`:: from b64uuid import Base64UUID bid = Base64UUID() s1 = bid.string s2 = str(bid) assert s1 == s2 # equals! """ return self._string